Home   Informatica   Course of Electronics (English)   1.1. Definition of Electronics - Atoms and Electrons

1.1. Definition of Electronics - Atoms and Electrons

Scritto da gabriele il 24/02/2011 09:33:03

Here we are! Finally we go! The goal is to explain, I hope in a simple way for our users as they are formed and how they function as electronic equipment on a computer, starting from basic principles.
Many of you have sometimes heard of atoms or electrons. All substances on our planet are made of atoms.
In the late nineteenth century it was given the name Atom in a dawrfish indivisible particle (not divisible) of matter.
Then, over time, scientists were able to demonstrate that the atom was not indivisible, as originally said, but divisile; that appeared to be composed of more components, the core and other small particles such as protons, neutrons and electrons.
Here we must explain two terminologies: Matter and Particle.
Particle: in physics (the science that studies the nature and its phenomena), is understood as the unit of matter.
Subject: Everything around us is matter, anything that occupies space and volume around us. I mention the three states: solid, liquid and gas.
I examples: a drop of water refers to the liquid state, water vapor to a gas, a crystal to solid.
The atom consists of a central nucleus composed of protons and neutrons.
Electrons are particles that act outside the nucleus, that are located within its borders.
Protons and electrons have electric charge, the first positive, negative seconds.
The neutrons have no electric charge but, as the word is neutral particles.
An atom is electrically neutral because it defines the number of electrons contained in it is equal to that of protons.
It is not easy to explain what we mean by the term mentioned above; possamo say that electric charge is a particular property of particles (electrons and protons), which determines the state of electrification on a body.
Having said all that can be understood as the eletronics science research and development of the control of electrons through the realization electronic circuits, consisting of components through which electrical current flows.
This concludes our first lesson.
Appointment to the next!

Ultimo aggiornamento 27/02/2011 10:26:47